5 Things You Didn’t Know About Building Analytics

Safe Air Systems Technology
3 min readMar 8, 2022

Today’s Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are enabling a wide array of building and facility management applications that collect information on how buildings are used and maintained and provide feedback to an organization as they are used. These “building analytics” can improve safety and security, enhance the occupants’ experience, reduce energy and help lower operating costs.

Today, many companies and organizations are under pressure to provide safe and healthy indoor environments, deliver more value from their buildings, and find opportunities for energy savings. At the same time, global regulations are pushing for higher sustainable building standards and better indoor environmental quality. Here are five ways building analytics can help you get people back inside and keep them safe while continuously monitoring and managing the health of your building.

Building analytics use real-time sensor data to monitor building conditions.

Real-time information on building conditions can help you optimize energy and operating costs, improve occupant comfort and productivity, and meet regulatory requirements.

These systems can measure temperature, humidity, and more, but they can also measure things like CO2 levels and airborne pathogen risk.

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a big issue, not just because poor air quality is uncomfortable. Poor indoor air quality is also linked to the facilitation and transmission of airborne pathogens, asthma, respiratory issues, and other health problems. IAQ analytics add additional layers of complexity by tracking parameters such as temperature and relative humidity, which can largely influence the survival rate of airborne pathogens. They can also help measure contaminants such as particulates, which are harmful to people with asthma and other chronic respiratory conditions.

The data can shed light on problems with existing buildings and help predict future problems before they occur.

Building analytics can help owners save money on operating costs and reduce harmful emissions by detecting problems before they worsen or cause other problems. For instance, if temperature or power consumption levels are below normal, maintenance crews can be alerted in real-time so they can address the problem before it deteriorates into a significant issue that requires immediate attention.

Building analytics makes it easy to manage multiple facilities from a single application.

Building analytics enables sharing of best practices across an entire portfolio of buildings. Users can aggregate data from all the disparate sources they have to build a complete picture of the health of their building and business objectives.

The analysis results are posted via dashboards, alerts, or reports.

These methods of communication are designed for users (both consumers and stakeholders) to easily digest insights and access important information about a building or individual room at a glance. Dashboards are usually interactive, allowing users to drill down into specific data sets and make changes or further analysis on the fly. In addition to displaying metrics, dashboards are also helpful in identifying trends and outliers in data sets.

A successful analytics program depends on a holistic combination of business processes, technology, data, and people.

It’s no longer enough to have just a data-driven approach. To be successful, your company must be in the habit of making routine decisions based on data…and building analytics data is only as good as the people working with it.

As the amount of data available to businesses increases, so does the need for a robust building analytics strategy. A holistic approach is needed to ensure that everyone within your organization has the tools they need to make informed, data-driven decisions.
With this information, building operators (an employer, school, hospital, etc.) can be much more proactive about keeping indoor environments healthy.

Fortunately, there’s a system for that.

Building analytics can be a real game-changer for organizations, and the more you know, the better you can use that information to improve the performance of their buildings.

While safety features, security features, and energy efficiency features are essential for buildings, it is also about much more than that. Building analytics is about making a safer, healthier, and more productive environment for the people that work and live in the building. Don’t miss out on the information that you can acquire by using building analytics — contact us today to learn how our technology can help you make your building healthier.

Learn more: safeairsystemstech.com



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